Life at Tactical is good, we are a remote-first company based, primarily but not necessarily, in Milan, Italy.

We are growing fast and we are always looking for smart people to join the crew!

Open Positions

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

Service Designer Intern m/f (remote)

July 10, 2022

Interview Steps

  • Screening Interview

    We begin the interview process with a screening interview. This is typically a quick phonecall / meeting with a Tactical consultant asking specific and high-level questions to assess your primary candidacy, looking at areas of skills and requirements. We typically asks questions related to your appropriate educational training, certifications, and other requirements for the position you're interested in or have applied for. We may ask about your salary expectations, availability, and what questions you have about the job description to see if we can be a good match.

  • First Interview

    The first in-person interview you have is typically between you and a Tactical manager via a virtual meeting. This interview is generally used to assess your work experience and qualifications, your skills and abilities, availability, and academic background.

    You will be asked to prepare a 5 slide presentation for these points covered:
    - A brief summary of your character
    - An introduction to your professional self
    - The three values you Value the most
    - Among those three, the one you are not willing to compromise

    .. and we will ask you for a project you are proud of to present and discuss with us.


    Once you have moved to the second interview, you can expect the questions to be more in depth and analytical. By this point, you are likely a contender for the position, and the second interview expands on the discussion of your first interview. You'll likely meet with the same interviewer from your first meeting, and they may introduce you to other company leadership.

    You will be giving a live task to complete during the interview session.


    Depending on the role you are applying for, the manager may request an interview over breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This gives us the chance to evaluate you in a more relaxed environment, before proceeding.

  • Job Offering

    Once you have completed the interview process, the last step is when we provide you with a job offer. Typically, the hiring manager sends an offer letter with details about the terms and conditions, compensations, and benefits of the position. Be sure to read over the offer carefully and ask clarifying questions as needed. This is also your opportunity to make a counteroffer if you want to adjust the terms of your employment. After you complete any negotiations, you then sign the offer letter, and the company includes it in your personnel file.

Tactical Benefits

Remote First

Distributed, remote, and global culture. As a remote first company you can work and live wherever you like and you feel comfortable.

No Fixed Working Hours

Sometimes we will have to crunch hours, sometimes we are free from duties. Since we are working all around the world, we usually don't adhere to traditional fixed office hours and promote self organizations.

Unlimited time off

Unlimited mental health or physical health leave. We are goal oriented and we gladly let results speaks for you: as long as you are reliable to us and your collegues, we don't bother if you take some time off to spent with your family or just need a personal break.