Managing Partner


Hoang Huynh is Partner at Tactical.

Former Head of Customer Experience and Design in Value Partners Management Consulting, with more than 15 years of experience in Customer Experience, Engagement Design, and Strategic Marketing.


Milan, Italy
+39 328 865 5199

Education & Experience

2014 - 2017
  • Lead UX Architect


  • Mentor

    European Innovation Academy

2017 - 2019
  • Head of Service Design


  • Managing Partner


  • Country Manager Italy

    Interaction Design Foundation

2019 - 2021
  • Head of CX and Design

    Value Partners Management Consulting

  • Advisor and Investor

    Bologna Startup Network

  • Scientific Director and Corporate Lecturer

    Talent Garden

  • Guest Lecturer

    IED European Institute of Design

  • Guest Lecturer

    Bologna Business School

2021 - Present
  • Managing Partner


  • Head of Strategy

    Hyve 360

  • Founder


  • Author of The Book

    Value Proposition Design and Engineering

“Working with Hoang has been one of the best experiences and probably the steepest learning curve of my career!  Thanks to him I had the incredible opportunity to work on many challenging projects, and the freedom to take them as far and as broad as I wanted.”

Stefanija Najdovska
Lead Experience Designer at Tom Tom

“Huynh's greatest quality is that he is a true motivator and inspiration to everyone he comes into contact with. He can energize his team and his drive and creativity are contagious. Huynh is able to correlate everything he thinks about in a completely new, unpredictable and shining vision.”

Alessio della Motta
Staff Software Engineer (TL/M) at Google Inc


Client Portfolio

Project Portfolio

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
Seize the moment,